She lay in the softly lit hospital room singing. Singing gently. Faintly. Whatever hymn that came to her mind. Clenched fists, holding back tears, singing as her belly contracted, teeming with life – new life ready to meet her melodies and this softly lit hospital room.
And camera in hand, I sang. And I prayed. And I watched.
I watched her beloved, my brother, sing as he clasped her clammy hand. I watched him fall in love all over again with her peace in pain.
Her big, brown eyes.
Her determination to endure for this, their son, still in the womb.

January 14th, 4 am – we hear his first cry – and seconds later the baby she held 9 long months in the womb she now holds in her arms.
January 14th, 4 am – a forever moment,
a heaven touching earth moment,
tears of joy moment.

I love you, brother,
and your strong, steady wife,
and the new, little man in your family.
For those of you who want to see the slide show (the slide show that I’ve watched dozens of times, my favorite slideshow. Ever.) you can click here.