My Favorite Photo Shoot Ever

Last summer we didn’t make it to the ocean at all for the first time in my life.  So the trip this time was long overdue.  I grew up near the ocean, and I need to see it at least once a year.  My mom, Matthew, myself, and the kids took a day trip down to LBI when Josiah was a few weeks old.  At first the girls were terrified of the water, but hours later (right when we were about to leave) they started warming up.  So we stayed for a few more hours and they played their hearts out (plus I now have my all time favorite pictures of the girls.)






If looks could kill…

These are Anya’s “don’t mess with me” eyes.  She has them every morning when she wakes up for about twenty minutes.  She is a woman of little words, but as you can tell from this face – no words are necessary.  webpage-if-looks-could-kill.jpg


Anya is a tough cookie.  She broke her arm when she was nine months old.  She frequently gets clobbered, but there are no tears.  Maybe this harkens back to the fact that her entrance into the world was a one foot drop onto the bed (no one caught her and the doctor wasn’t even there.)  She doesn’t waste time crying; there’s too much playing to do.  Here she is with a nose scrape and a head gash from separate instances on the same day.  The total crying time: a few seconds.


the big sister whether you like it or not

Daniella always takes her job as the big sister very seriously, and unfortunately sometimes Anya doesn’t.



Omi’s twins

My mother, whom my kids call Omi, has been anticipating the birth of two grandbabies due within days of each other.  Because my brother and I can be ornery, we plotted telling her that I and his wife Elizabeth were in labor at the same time and putting her into a desparate situation not knowing whether to stay in NJ to see Brandon’s baby or to trek out to Altoona.  Well, my niece was born 12 days before Josiah.  She is still lighter than him, but longer than him (no shocker here, my brother is 6’5″.)

We were able to get the babies together 4 days after Josiah was born and take a picture of my mom’s twins.


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